Koichi Mitsuoka

Born in 1990, Aichi. His grandfather named him so that all the kanjis composing his name are symmetrical and the reading of the kanjis were determined by his mother – as Japanese kanjis have a few different possible readings, his name could have been Yukikazu. He applied to art schools with the sole intention to create Hikaru Utada’s promotional video and joined the architecture department, the only course he was accepted to. After a few series of events, he decided to call himself an artist. Just like how Akiko Yano sings and how Ranjatai performs his comedy acts, he also wanted to keep creating something. What kind of people were those who beared the first Jomon pottery?

1990年愛知県生まれ。名前は、字がすべて左右対称になる様にと祖父がつけてくれて、読みは母が考えてくれた。(ゆきかずになる可能性もあった。) 宇多田ヒカルのPVを作りたいという、ただその一心で美大を目指し、唯一受かった建築科に入学し、いろいろあって今は美術家を名乗っている。矢野顕子が歌うみたいに、ランジャタイが漫才をするみたいに、自分も何かをつくっていきたい。一番最初に縄文土器をつくった人はどんな人だったんだろうか?