Mai Yokoyama

Born in 1989, Kanagawa. She graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts. As she questions “What is real,” she reproduces the digital shapes she drew on an iPad drawing app onto a canvas using oil paint and thus focuses on the gap that occurs between the digital and the physical. In the past, she took part in group exhibitions and art fairs such as “SYUCCHOU-MONO.LOGUES” (GASBON METABOLISM, Yamanashi, 2023) and “ART TAIPEI 2022” (YIRI ARTS, Taiwan, 2022).

1989年神奈川県⽣まれ。東京藝術⼤学⼤学院修了。「本物とはなにか」という問いのもと、iPadのお絵描きアプリで描いたデジタルの図像を油絵の具でキャンバスに描き起こし、 デジタルとフィジカルの間に起こるギャップに注目しながら制作している。「出張モノローグス」(GASBON METABOLISM、山梨、2023)、「ART TAIPEI 2022」(YIRI ARTS、台湾、2022)などのグループ展やアートフェアに参加。